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This is a blog about two crossfitters who have decided to embarq on a crazy challenge!!! :) We have decided to do paleo zone for 30 days...

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Dearly Beloved....

So, Krista and I decided to do the Paleo Zone for 30 days, but I thought I could make a "diet soda" exception. :) I mean after all, aren't there always exceptions to every rule??? Well Saturday night Krista comes over for us to start brainstorming our menu for the week and drops a bomb on me!!! She decides to tell me that Shain thinks I really need to give up the diet soda... She was sitting next to me at the kitchen table and I had visions of smacking her!!! Ha ha. The thing is that I KNOW how bad diet soda is for you and I KNOW that Shain just wants what's best for me, but that's not something that I wanted to hear. For those of you that know me, you know that I have been a 'diet soda addict' for most of my entire life. I would have never agreed to this on my own terms, so I guess this is what it comes down too. On top of everything else I'm giving up for the next 30 days add another one to the list. 

So naturally, today in preparing for this craziness, I brought all of my diet soda in my pantry over to my parent's house for them. I have to get rid of it, out of sight, out of mind. (Or at least that's what I'm hoping!!!) So just because I think I'm funny, I took a picture of everything I was dropping off at my parent's house and sent it to Krista with this caption, "Dearly beloved we are gathered here today to say goodbye!" :)

- Cassie

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